Friday, January 6, 2017



by its nature, aviation is one of the most internationalized activities. in the matter of hours, an airplane could switch tens of state jurisdictions. in aviation, all states must speak the same language, and must apply the same rules, which is a sensible matter, because international laws supersede national laws, and international ruling restrict the sovereignity of the states. the chosen language was english, and the aftermath of world war II, all major states of the world signed a contract to apply the same rules. this contract is known the chicago convention, and 190 states are currently adhering to it. the institution which leads and manages this process is the international civil aviation organization (ICAO), based on montreal, canada, with seven regional offices (
romania is currently one of the 360 council members states of ICAO.

There are three sets of criteria generating aircraft categories, and all are managed by ICAO:

  • class/ category / type for airworthiness certification of aircraft
  • category (speed) for designing flight procedures
  • category ( wake turbulence ) for separation requirements between aircraft
this could seem complicated, but an aircraft registered in any of the 190 contracting states needs to be recognized as airworthy in all other states, needs to apply flight procedures in any other state, and must be separated from other aircraft following the same rules in all other states.




glider is an aircraft heavier than air, flying ability supported by the reaction of the air against the adoptive power (wing) and not dependent on the machine, so the glider is an aircraft without an engine. glider flown by first drawn by the aircraft which in certain cruising speed glider is released in order to fly free. long flights rely on the expertise of the pilots looking for the hot air rising, so the glider could continue broadcasting. 
meanwhile, there is another type of aircraft called airship, the aircraft is lighter than air, driven by the engine, and can be steered. different air ship with free balloons (or balloon abbreviated course), the aircraft is lighter than air and is not driven by the engine.



Rotorcraft (rotorcraft), also known as rotary wing aircraft (totary wing) or helicopters, airplanes are heavier than air. The ability to fly this aircraft depends mainly on the lift generated by one or more rotors. In this rotor is attached a number of blades, made cross-section similar to the cross section of an airplane wing that makes rotor blades swivel motion is moved against the still air and cause lift. So, this rotor aircraft have "wings" that rotates so it is also called airplane rotary wing (rotary wing)

what is aircraft


aircraft is a tool that is used or intended for flight in the air. aircraft includes the aircraft lighter than air. airplane (airplane) is a fixed wing aircraft which is lighter than air and driven by the engine, which can drift due to the dynamic reaction of the air wing. in other words, the airplane is a fixed wing aircraft. wings stretched left and right side of the fuselage. wing to body position on the part of the aircraft can not be changed, but at a fraction wing aircraft (especially aircraft used on the aircraft carrier) can be folded (wing angle to the body can be reduced) in order to save storage space. the size of larger aircraft by itself require a longer wing and wide in order to generate enough lift force to lift the maximum weight of the airplane itself

Thursday, January 5, 2017

airplane structure and geometry


airplanes are powered fixed wing aerodynes . judging on numbers, they are most popular types of aircraft by far, and this chapter is dedicated to understanding their structure and shape.the most important part is the wing.

the winglet are not mandatory. some airplane types include them as standard (like the airbus A330), some have them as an option (like boeing 737-700) and others do not have winglets at all (like the boeing 737-300) . winglets improve slightly the fuel consumption for long flight, but they could have a detrimental effect on short flights. the slats and the flaps are so called especially during take-off and landing maneuvers. ailerons are control device . the sweep angle improves behaviour at high speeds, close to the speed of sounds. by correlating sweep angle and maximum speed for several types of airplanes

introduction to aerospace engineering


Aerospace engineering is a juxtaposition of aeronautical engineering (engineering of aircraft) with astronautical engineering (engineering of spacecraft). the two fields of engineering differ considerably when it comes to the environment and the conditions of flight, but there is something which brings them together. the complexity of the task, the adversity of the environment, the substantiality of the challenge. both brances of engineering have been developed together in the last century.
the astronautical engineers have been converted from aeronautical engineers and the astronauts have always been aircraft pilots first. now, most institutions keep the tradition, and address both fields together, in what is known as "aerospace engineering". for instance, the most prestigious american institution engaged in the development of this science is the american institute of aeronautics and astronautics  ( AIAA ) . in Romania, there is a small scale equivalent, the aeronautical and astronautical association of romania (AAAR).

introduction to engineering

What is engineering ?

nothing compares to engineering, as the most practical,creative, and useful profession. but what is engineering? the name comes from the word "engine", and originally it was a man responsible for running a technical installation. the word "engine" draws from latin and it means an invention, a technical creation, based on ingenuity. i will try to explain engineering by using the following five concept:
  1.  science : engineering is based on mathematics and algorithmic representations and models of the world, like a science; actually it relies on many disciplines of pure science
  2.  creativity: engineering is sheer creativity, alming at creating all useful artifical object known; not all sciences are creative, some are descriptive, as geolgy, anatomy, biology, astronomy, and history, from the perspective, engineering is not far from art sometimes
  3.  practicality: as opposed to fundamental or pure sciences, engineering is an applied science, relying on both theory and experiments to solve practical problems, engineering solves real life problems and nothing is more than reality
  4.  wide scope: engineering is rich mix of disciplines, covering a broad scope of knowledge, as opposed to specialized sciences
  5.  realism: sometimes engineering is considered the "art of compromise"